Introduction: There is a new payment method called Bank Transfer, we can set up the status of it on the payment gateway of the student suite

Showing the status of different payment methods on the setting bar and clicking the edit button can update the status

  • Add a new payment method called “Bank Transfer” and change the original name of the One-time Payment to Card Payment
  • Set up the two secondary payment methods such as card payment and bank transfer under the paimary payment method called one-time Payment
  • Named the existing setting bar Auto Payment as another primary payment method

    • The Direct Debit and Recurring Card Payment could be another two secondary payment methods under the auto payment

Clicking the 'edit icon' of the payment method setting bar to open a pop-up window 'Edit Payment Methods'

  • Apart from the enable card payment, the status of the other payment methods can be updated. 
  • Enable card payment method is defaulted to display “Yes” and when hovering the icon on the right side of the enable card payment, there is a tooltip coming up-‘The payments to be made via card payment is disabled to change’
  • When hovering the icon on the right of enable bank transfer, the tooltip should be 'Enable to allow payments to be made via bank transfer. When switching from enabled to disabled, the payment method will be removed from this property'
  • Clicking 'Save changes' button to save the current settings


  • Currently, the bank transfer only can be used to book properties in the UK, so for the properties in the EU, the bank transfer is not displayed on the payment gateways page of the student suite.