Introduction: sometimes, after students choose the bank transfer payment method to confirm their bookings or pay for their future payments, they do not pay and would like to make payments through other payment methods.

Booking journey: 

No matter the student first comes into this page or come this page again, the 'Change the payment method' button will be displayed

 When the 'Change the payment method' button is clicked, there is a double confirmationm modal coming up

  • When the 'Yes, I'm sure' button is clicked, the page will redirect to the payment method selection page 
  • When the 'Close' button is clicked, the modal will be disappeared

when the page is redirected to the payment method selection page and the countdown will restart 

Future payment process

Same as the booking journey, no matter the student first sees this modal or sees this modal again, the 'Change the payment method' button will be displayed 

The double confirmation modal is same as the booking journey

  • If the 'Yes, I'm sure' button is clicked on double confirmation modal, it will be redirected to my payments page and the students have to choose the payment item again and then choose the other payment method they want
    • If the student has chosen more than one payment item at one time to pay before, when 'yes I’m sure' is clicked, the payment intent related to the bank transfer for these payment items chosen before will be cancelled together

When the button of “Change the payment method” is displayed 

  • When the student first clicks the “Get Bank Account Number” button

    • In the booking journey, when the student does not pay within the required time

    • In making the future payment process, when the student does not pay before the due day