Introduction: when students ask for booking amendment and then choose bank transfer as the payment method. We need the ability to set up the countdown before booking confirmed for bank transfer 

Direct Let

Display the Payment Duration before Booking Confirmed 2  for “Bank Transfer”

  • The style is basically the same as the previous change on Payment Duration before Booking Confirmed 

  • The default countdown of the bank transfer is 4 days

  • The description on the bottom of the card should be “For booking amendment only”

When the edit icon is clicked on the card above, the modal of “Payment Duration before Booking Confirmed 2 will come up

  • Add a placeholder named “Countdown for Bank Transfer” and add a question mark icon on the right of the “Countdown for Bank Transfer”
    • When hovering the icon, the tooltip will display 'It is recommended to set it to 4 days in case the processing time exceeds 1 business day and spans weekends '. 
      • The default value of the placeholder is 4 and if staff want to chage the value, the value filled in the placeholder must be an integer greater than 0
  • Clicking 'save changes' button to save the current settings


Add a new card called “Amendment Countdown for Bank Transfer”

  • The countdown will start after choosing the bank transfer as the payment method, and the booking will become expired once the countdown finishes

After clicking the edit icon, the modal of the “Amendment Countdown for Bank Transfer” will come up

  • The default value of the placeholder is 4 and if staff want to chage the value, the value filled in the placeholder must be an integer greater than 0
  • Add a question mark icon on the right of the Countdown
    • When hovering the icon, the tooltip will display 'The countdown will start after choosing the bank transfer as the payment method, and the booking will become expired once the countdown finishes'
  • Clicking 'save changes' button to save the current settings