Introduction: when students ask for booking amendment, we need to also provide the bank transfer payment method to them when there is a required payment generated.

SP-In the Payment Method Section 

The bank transfer payment method setting here is basically the same as the setting on the booking process


  • If the student has done nothing on the payment method selection page, the button of the ”Get Bank Account Number” will become blurred  and cannot be clicked after the countdown finishes

  • When the button “Get Bank Account Number” is clicked, the countdown of the bank transfer will be displayed on the jump page

SP-My Bookings (Current)

When the amendment is accepted and student has chosen bank transfer as the payment method (=has clicked “Get Bank Account Number) to pay the required payment 

  • The Status in the card of the current my bookings should be ”Amendment Pending” 

  • The countdown of the bank transfer will be displayed in the card

  • If there is no payment when the countdown finishes, the status of the card will go back to the previous default status (=previous booking’s booking confirmed)

  • If there is an underpayment happened when the countdown finishes, the status will also go back to the previous default status (=previous booking’s booking confirmed)

    • The money that has been paid will go to the wallet balance of the expired amendment booking

  • When the student transfers the appropriate money within the required time, this card (old booking) will be disappeared and the new card (amended booking) will be displayed 

    • The tag of the new card should be “Booking Confirmed”

  • The button on the card should be “Bank Transfer Details”

    • When the button is clicked, the page would jump to the page of the virtual bank account and the transfer reference details ( 2nd time)

When the “View Booking Details” button on the card is clicked, the jump page would display the old booking details, the banner should be ’Please make your bank transfer payment. You have xdays xxh xxmin left to confirm your amendment. If you have already paid, please wait patiently for the payment result‘

  • The button is “View Bank Transfer Details”

    • No matter which button (“View Bank Transfer Details” here or “Bank Transfer Details” on the card ), when the student clicks, he/she will get to the page of the virtual bank account and the transfer reference( 2nd time)


When the student is on the payment method selection page, the text of the amendment countdown here should be 'Please make your payment within xxmin xxs to confirm your amendment. Otherwise, the amendment will not take effect'

When the student is on the bank transfer and transfer reference page (1st time) = after clicking the “Get Bank Account Number” button, the countdown text for bank transfer here should be “Please make your payment within xdays xxh xxmin to confirm your amendment

When the student is on the bank transfer and transfer reference page (2nd time) = Clicking the “View Bank Transfer Details” button or “Bank Transfer Details” button, the added sentence should be “If you have already paid, please wait patiently for the payment result. Once the payment is successful, your amendment will be confirmed”


  • For bank transfer

    • If the student underpays and does not pay off the balance within the required time or we do not know if the payment is successful when the countdown finishes, although the student has paid off the balance, the booking will become expired

    • After the student chooses the bank transfer as the payment method but the student does not pay, the booking will also become expired