On the booking details page of SS, set up different labels to display the students' booking process. When the takeover request expires, we could figure out the reason:

The displayed label on booking details page

For Original booking

For Engaged and Replacement booking

  • If two students have not accepted the takeover request
    • Original: Pending for two students to finish the takeover
    • Engaged: Waiting for student to provide application details (if has)
    • Replacement: Waiting for student to provide application details
  • If student A has accepted, student B has not
    • Original: Pending for replacement student to finish the takeover
    • Engaged: Pending for replacement student to finish the takeover (if has)
    • Replacement: Waiting for student to provide application details
  • If student B has accepted, student A has not
    • Original: Pending for original student to finish the takeover
    • Engaged: Waiting for student to provide application details (if has)
    • Replacement: Pending for original student to finish the takeover
  • If the takeover is successful, the displayed label for the original booking will be the cancellation
  • If the takeover is successful and the displayed label for engaged (if has) and replacement booking will be “Help student to Check-in now” 

When the booking expires no matter which student timed out or rejected, the original booking’s label status should go back to the previous status

  • If both students are timed out at the same time
    • Engaged (if has)/Replacement: Both applications timed out
  • If student A has accepted, but student B timed out
    • Engaged (if has): Replacement application timed out
    • Replacement: Replacement application timed out
  • If student A timed out, but student B has accepted
    • Engaged (if has): Engaged application timed out
    • Replacement:
      • Original application timed out ( student A’s tenancy length=studnet B’s tenancy length/ student B early check-out)
      • Engaged application timed out (student B late check-in)
  • If both students rejected at the same time
    • Engaged (if has)/Replacement: Both applications rejected
  • If student A has accepted, but student B rejected
    • Engaged (if has): Replacement application rejected
    • Replacement: Replacement application rejected
  • If student A rejected, but student B has accepted
    • Engaged (if has): Engaged application rejected
    • Replacement:
      • Original application rejected ( student A’s tenancy length=studnet B’s tenancy length/ student B early check-out)
      • Engaged application rejected (student B late check-in)
  • If student A rejected and student B timed out at the same time
    • Engaged (if has): Engaged application rejected, replacement application timed out
    • Replacement:
      • Original application rejected, replacement application timed out ( student A’s tenancy length=studnet B’s tenancy length/ student B early check-out)
      • Engaged application rejected, replacement application timed out (student B late check-in)
  • If student A timed out and student B rejected at the same time
    • Engaged (if has): Engaged application timed out, replacement application rejected
    • Replacement:
      • Original application timed out, replacement application rejected ( student A’s tenancy length=studnet B’s tenancy length/ student B early check-out)
      • Engaged application timed out, replacement application rejected (student B late check-in).