There should be new email templates to notify students of their bookings' status:
Takeover Pending
- After staff help students finish applying for takeover request, both students will receive the takeover pending email
- Email Subject: Respond to takeover to your booking at *|PROPERTY__NAME|* in *|CITY__NAME|*
Takeover Confirmed
- After both students have accepted the takeover request within the required time, both of them will receive the takeover confirmed email
- Email Subject: Your takeover is confirmed for *|BOOKING__BED_NAME|* at *|PROPERTY__NAME|*
Takeover Expired
- If any student’s booking is timed out or any student cancels the takeover request, both students will receive the takeover expired email
- Email Subject: Your takeover expired for *|BOOKING__BED_NAME|* at *|PROPERTY__NAME|*