After the staff has finished performing the takeover in ss, student A and student B will receive the takeover request 

On my booking page, in my bookings (current) column, there is a card appearing 

  • Both students need to accept the request before the countdown finishes. If anyone student does not accept or reject, the takeover request will expire

When students click the View Booking Details button, the page will jump to the booking details page

For student A

  • The banner in the booking details page will show 'You have a takeover request for your booking. You have XXX left to respond'

For student B

  • Compared with student A, there is no “My Agreements” item
  • Compared with student A, there is no payments module
  • Compared with student A, there is no documents sector
  • Compared with student A, there is no “out-of-room” sector

If student A‘s length of stay=studnet B’s length of stay/ student B early check-out

  • When the button “Complete the Takeover Now” is clicked by student A, there is a modal coming up below, but if student B clicks this button, s/he still has to go through the booking journey process

  • When this button is clicked, the modal will be disappeared and it will go to my bookings page

If student A‘s length of stay=studnet B’s length of stay/ student B early check-out

  • When the button “Go to Confirm” is clicked by student A, there is a modal coming up, but if student B clicks this button, s/he still has to go through the booking journey process 

  • When this button is clicked, the modal will be disappeared and my bookings page will be refreshed (the card  in my bookings (current) column will be changed)

No matter which student accepts the takeover request first,  when s/he comes back to my bookings page and sees this card below

  • The text in the grey area will be “You’ve accepted the takeover request, please wait patiently for another person to accept the request within the required time”

When the student who first clicks the button'View Booking Details', s/he could see this page below 

When student A first accepts the takeover request and then clicks the button “View Booking Details”, the banner of this page will display"You've accepted the takeover request</strong>Please wait patiently for another person to accept the request within the required time"

When student B first accepts the takeover request and then clicks the button “View Booking Details”, the banner is same as the student A’s

  • Compared with student A, there is no “My Agreements” item
  • Compared with student A, there is no payments module
  • Compared with student A, there is no documents sector
  • Compared with student A, there is no “out-of-room” sector

In the case of AB students with different tenancy lengths and student B late check in, when student A clicks the "Complete the Takeover Now" button in the banner or the "Go to Confirm" button in the card on my booking page, student A will come to the following page below

For student A

For student B

  • The stay dates name is different from student A’s and the stay dates only has one item
  • The bed must be the same as student A’s
  • Compared with student A’s format, the name of the payment plan is different and there is no view button

When the student clicks the button “Confirm and Proceed”, the personal details page will be displayed

For student A, s/he could see the personal details

For student B, if s/he has never registered, s/he needs to fill in personal information

When the student clicks the button “Continue”, the Agreement page will be displayed

If the student need to make a payment, after s/he click button 'Continue', s/he could see this page below 



  • If any student or both cannot finish the takeover before the countdown finishes, the takeover request will be expired
  • When the button” Go to My Bookings” is clicked or students relog into my bookings page
    • For student A, the card on my bookings page will go back to the previous default status
    • For student B, the booking will expire and if s/he clicks the button “Book Again”, it will go to the booking journey process. S/he has to contact the residence team if s/he would like to continue the takeover


  • If any student clicks the button “Cancel the Takeover”, this modal will come up
  • If the button ”Yes cancel” is clicked, it will go to My Bookings page
    • For student A, the card on my bookings page will go back to the previous default status
    • For student B, the booking will expire and if s/he clicks the button “Book Again”, it will go to the booking journey process.


When the takeover is successful(=both students accept the takeover request before the countdown finishes)

  • For student A (student A’s length of stay=student B’s length of stay), the card on the My Booking page will be disappeared
  • For student A (student B early check-out), the card on the My Booking page will be also disappeared
  • For student A (student B late check-in), the status of the card will change to confirmed and the displayed booking details will be engaged booking’s
  • For student B, the status of the card will change to confirmed and the displayed booking details will be replacement booking’s

4. If anyone student timed out/cancelled

  • For student A (student A’s length of stay=student B’s length of stay/student B early check-out/student B late check-in), the card on the My Booking page will go back to the previous default status
  • For student B, the status of the card will change to expired and the displayed booking details will become replacement booking’s.