On the Flexibility Control function block of the group plan settings, add two new cards to set up the nomination takeover and swap countdown for payment and before terms accepted

Takeover and Swap Countdown before Terms Accepted Card

  • Add a new card for takeover and swap countdown before terms accepted
    • Title: Takeover and Swap Countdown before Terms Accepted
    • Description: The countdown will start once the takeover or swap is sent out. If the student does not accept the agreement before the countdown finishes, the takeover or swap will expire (set for both bookings)

  • When the edit icon is clicked, the new modal will come up
    • The unit of the placeholder includes Minutes, Hours and Days
      • When the dropdown is clicked, the different options will be displayed
    • When the icon is hovered, there is one sentence appeared
      • Text: The countdown will start once the takeover or swap is sent out. If the student does not accept the agreement before the countdown finishes, the takeover or swap will expire (set for both bookings)
    • The default value of the placeholder must be in an integer greater than 0
      • If the value is not an integer greater than 0, there is a sentence in red will come up below the placeholder and the placeholder border will also turn red
        • Text: Countdown must be a positive integer

Takeover and Swap Countdown for Payment Card

  • Add a new card for takeover and swap countdown for payment (nomination)
    • Title: Takeover and Swap Countdown for Payment
    • Description: The countdown will start after student accepts the agreement, if payment is needed. When the student does not pay before the countdown finishes, the takeover or swap will expire (set for both bookings)
  • When the edit icon is clicked, the new modal will come up
    • The unit of the placeholder includes Minutes, Hours and Days
      • When the dropdown is clicked, the different options will be displayed
    • When the icon is hovered, there is one sentence appeared
      • Text: The countdown will start after student accepts the agreement, if payment is needed. When the student does not pay before the countdown finishes, the takeover or swap will expire (set for both bookings) 
    • The default value of the placeholder must be in an integer greater than 0
      • If the value is not an integer greater than 0, there is a sentence in red will come up below the placeholder and the placeholder border will also turn red
        • Text: Countdown must be a positive integer