The design has been updated to reduce the chance of mishandling.

Scope: Early checkout

Keep the same portal, when the “Check-out” option is selected, the below modal will come up

  • Title: Early Check-out? (bold)
  • Description:
    • Text 1: If you continue to check-out, total rental won’t be changed.
    • Text 2: If you want to terminate the booking with the rental being re-calculated, please use the Cancellation
  • Add two buttons in different colours below the description
    • Early Check-out
    • Cancel the Booking
  • Add the “Cancel” button below the colour buttons
    • Clicking this button, the modal will be disappeared

  • Add a banner in the Overview step
    • Text: There are xx days left before the end of tenancy. If continue, the total rental won’t be changed and the student will still receive bills


  • Partial modification of the current 7-day logic
    • When the early check-out happens before the end date of the tenancy, the “Early Check-out” modal will be displayed, there is no 7 days restriction anymore
    • Portal change maintains the current logic.