Adding different text comments to different options and a restriction to reduce the chance of mishandling.

Scope: Before check-in cancellation

  • When staff come into the refund modal first time, the dropdown related to the different payment items will display “Selection an option” by default
  • If any payment item has no option selected, the button “Next” will be grey and not clickable
    • If the “Next” button is clicked, there is a modal coming up
      • Text: Please complete the selection for the different payment items

  • Add explanatory information below the different options in the drop-down box
    • Transfer to Amendment Credit
      • Text: The amount paid in the payment item will be transferred to the amendment credit balance
    • Keep Charge
      • Text: The payment item will still be charged from the student
    • Waived
      • Text: No amount paid in the payment item and no amendment credit transferred.